Everyone loves a good Mystery!
Omnipod Decals are $2 each making a month supply $20 if you buy individually.
Currently we offer a monthly subscription for $15 a month, making them just $1.50 each.
We are going to be offering them for $0.82 each when you pay for a year at a time!
You still get monthly deliveries, you still can request patterns, you still get exclusive patterns. The ONLY thing changing is you are pre-paying for a set time for a discount.
If you are a current subscriber you CAN move over to this plan! I will stop your other subscription.
Save money by bundling! You'll get 10 decals that will fit in the category you choose from! Items may include some holiday or seasonal designs that match the following month you order in. Decals will fit Omnipod and Omnipod Dash and Omnipod 5
If you have specific pattern requests, just let us know, we'd be happy to fill them if we are able to.